Monday, March 19, 2012

A Personal Note From
Helena Lehman (3-19-2012)

Shalom Everybody,

I wanted to let you all know something important about me and my ministry, and also to say that I am sorry to have upset some of you. But it is my responsibility and also my great joy to express what Yahweh God has shown to me and asked me to share, regardless of how others within and outside of the Body of Christ might view it. After all, it is my desire to please God and not man, for this is the whole purpose of the Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom He creates through those redeemed by His shed blood. It was and is to procure a spiritual nation totally devoted to and in love with God.

Though loving other people is a part of our devotion to God, however, we are intended to love them by teaching them the truth of the Gospel and the fact that they are under judgment right now - a well-deserved judgment that is about to step up dramatically in the coming months and years.

I hope some of you will reconsider your rejection of my ministry and ideas. But if not, I will say that I hope I see you in Heaven soon anyway, when we'll truly be on the same page spiritually. This is because all of our misconceptions and mistakes will be made clear in the light of the perfect wisdom of the Holy Spirit that we will possess in full, rather than in part - as is the case for all of us right now. We see in part - dimly, as in an old-fashioned mirror. But someday we will see and know clearly. I believe that is why the famous passages about love in 1 Corinthians 13 includes that analogy, because our ideas of what love entails is but a dim reflection of what God's ideas are.

Love you, my sisters and brothers!

God bless you, and Maranatha!

Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

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